IEEE Fayoum Student Branch

– Our Branch was founded in the academic years 2008 – 2009.
– The vision deffered between every generation and another, but the goal was still .. now we have the vision of serving every passionated mind about technology but mainly and sometimes specifically we serve the students of Engineering Facilty and Computer Sciences Faculty, and every other majors with the same academic content.
– Our branch consists of 4 Highboard Members, 18 Board Members, and 189 Members.
– We usually hold 3 main event annually (FCI Orientation Day – Engineering Orientation Day) and a TMU Event that varies in the idea and the content every single year, in between we serve our segment technically online through facebook campaigns, meetups and thier soft materials for sure, and offline through technical trips, and courses in programming till now.
– The teams have a meeting weakly or every 2 weeks; depending on each team need to do so.
– We see that connecting with previouse generations in essential in order of serving our label as a Community by strengthening the network we are blessed with, and we do so through gatherings and community fun activities every now and then.