Egypt Section

First Section meeting in 2020
The new executive committee members started their terms by a planning meeting that included all technical chapter chairs, young professional board, affinity group chairs and student branch representatives. Many members attended the meeting as well.

About IEEE Egypt Section
IEEE Egypt Section was established at September8 ,1955 as the second IEEE section outside USA and in region 8.

IEEE team visit to Egypt, 2019
Amazing evening with IEEE Egypt section ExCom 2018-2019, Students & Young professionals volunteers along with IEEE Executive Director Steve Welbyin Egypt. We were also honored to have with us the IEEE standards and IEEE digital library teams after their successful week in Cairo with Egyptian Knowledge
Organization Units

First Young Professionals meeting in 2020
Investment in volunteer training and capacity building is a key toward success. The photo shows the first meeting of Young Professionals in 2020, hosted by Nile University.
IEEE, Egypt Section History and Structure
This video discusses the section history and the structure of the section organization units, including technical chapters, student branches and affinity groups..

Egyptian Engineering Day
The slogan of 2019 version of Egyptian Engineering Day (EED) was " new era of transformation". Every year, EED includes eye-opening talks, massive projects and competitions like "Made in Egypt"